Category Archives: Personal Injury Defense

Noncompliance as a medical malpractice defense

Sometimes patients claim medical practitioners are negligent when their pain and suffering are due to their own errors or misjudgment. Such negligence by patients may be more common than people realize. For example, studies show that 50% of patients do not take their medicine according to instructions. Reports also found that up to 80% of […]

Why do some cautious ER doctors misdiagnose appendicitis?

Appendicitis is a medical emergency, as it can quickly become life-threatening for patients. This is especially true if a patient’s appendix bursts, as a ruptured appendix can cause peritonitis, sepsis or septic shock. Prompt diagnosis and treatment can improve a patient’s prognosis considerably, of course. Doctors routinely misdiagnose appendicitis in emergency departments across the country. […]

Difference between birth defects and birth injuries

Most births are normal and the babies healthy. However, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about one out of every 33 newborn babies has a birth defect. Some mothers and babies also experience traumatic birth injuries. While both birth defects and birth injuries can affect the health of a baby, the two […]

Signs that a personal injury claim is fraudulent

When someone claims that another caused an injury, you want to ensure that you have covered all the bases in investigating those allegations. People may file false personal injury claims under false pretenses merely to recover money. Learning how to spot a fraudulent personal injury claim can help save your company time and money in […]

New legislation could impact medical malpractice insurance

A bill that the legislature in New York is considering could impact medical malpractice insurance for physicians who provide telemedicine abortion services. If the law passes, New York will become the second state to pass a shield law to protect telemedicine abortion providers in the United States. What impact may this legislation have on malpractice […]

Birth trauma and false allegations of malpractice

If you work in the medical field and face false allegations of wrongdoing, it is important to understand how these accusations could affect your life. For example, you could lose your job, face financial repercussions, have high levels of stress and suffer a damaged reputation. In addition, these allegations can also impact insurance carriers, and […]

Do psychological injuries after a crash qualify for a claim?

An injury that results from a crash may file a claim with the insurer for compensation for bodily damage. In some circumstances, however, invisible wounds may take center stage in a court battle that seeks higher financial compensation than perhaps the situation warrants. Medical records often set the scene for the type of recovery a […]

What are slip-and-fall scams?

As winter encroaches and people have to worry about the icy sidewalks and pavements in front of stores, slip-and-fall incidents inevitably rise. Unfortunately, not everyone who takes a tumble does so accidentally. Scammers and fraudsters may rely on the age-old tactic of slip-and-fall scams to make some extra money from a business’s insurance. Defining these […]

Spot the signs of insurance claim padding

When individuals attempt to deceive insurance companies during a personal injury claim, the results may have a considerable impact. According to the Insurance Information Institute, a 2022 study by an insurance fraud prevention group revealed that intentional fraud cost American consumers nearly $308 billion across several different insurance industries. Sometimes, when individuals submit insurance claims […]

Insurance companies work to combat types of personal injury fraud

The FBI reports that personal insurance fraud costs the insurance industry billions of dollars annually. There are two common types of personal insurance fraud. What are they, and how do insurance companies expose fraudulent activity? Soft insurance fraud If a policyholder inflates a claim, he or she is likely guilty of soft insurance fraud. For […]